Sky Fix Series
SkyFix is a product
of the Sky family that is specially designed for use, especially in
residential areas with the winter garden concept.
In SkyFix, the ceiling
produced with "Double-Glazing" or "Polycarbonate" panels.
It can be created as
an extension of your house or in your garden, as an independent structure that
stands on its own and does not need to be mounted on a wall or surface
In addition, with SkyFix,
offers an unlimited number of possibilities of use as veranda, parking area
car cover or a projection of the house as storage or space
At the price of
its affordable SkyFix, the assembly of the entire structure does not exceed a few hours,
SkyFix is a perfect solution for your needs that is also fast
and economic.
unlike similar ones, SkyFix is the first winter garden concept that
can be produced as a "beam ceiling".